Non Surgical Face Lifts: Natural Alternatives}

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Submitted by: Marie Herik

Having just turned a bit of a shocking age, I fully realized that I might have to get an eye lift if I want to continue feeling good about the way I look. Since I assisted my older sister when she got a face lift years ago, I have some close up information about what recovery from surgical face lifts can be like. It wasnt pretty. First of all, she couldnt sleep for days because of the discomfort. She also felt like she had a stitch poking into one of her eyes for the first two days which made her extremely uncomfortable. Forget reading or watching much TV for the first few days as well. The healing took weeks. Knowing all of this, you might understand why Ive been searching for natural alternatives to the traditional, surgical face/eye lift.

I actually started researching natural face lift alternatives over 20 years ago. I did it at my mothers request then since I am a researcher and she was very upset about her sagging skin. She definitely did not want a surgical face lift.

At that time, facial acupressure was just starting to get some media attention and I embraced it with enthusiasm (there wasnt much else around at the time). Thoroughly investigating the topic (as well as trying it on myself), I was rather amazed and delighted to see it truly worked to minimize aging on my own face. Heres a background on what I learned:

Facial acupressure is based on ancient Chinese acupuncture techniques that date back over 4,000 years ago. Acupuncture is one of the best known and well accepted natural treatments for anti-aging as well as a multitude of other conditions. As far as the face goes, its said that Chinese emperors long ago used facial acupuncture to eliminate wrinkles and signs of aging.


Using the same principles as acupuncture, in acupressure the use of needles is replaced with pressure applied to a number of specific points with the fingers and hands. When pressure is applied to these facial points, the bodys natural energies are stimulated to increase blood flow to the face and neck. In doing this, facial tissues and muscles become nourished thereby helping to improve both muscle tone and improve collagen production, essential to firm facial skin.

Facial acupressure is said to improve: frown lines, reduce wrinkles, lift droopy eyelids, erase fine lines and soften scars. As if that werent enough, it also brightens the eyes, reduces sagging around the neck, tightens pores, improves hormone balance and increases blood, energy and lymph circulation. Sign me up!

Clearly, using acupressure for facial rejuvenation can indeed, be very effective.

Furthering my research on non surgical face lift treatments, I also recently began investigating all the latest buzz on something called derma rollers. Amazing, amazing little hand held devices also based on ancient acupuncture practice. These nifty devices have a handle with a small roller on the end that has numerous micro needles imbedded in the roller.

Now folks, sticking needles in your face may indeed seem daunting, but trust me, these are teensy little needles. Needle lengths vary for different conditions. For example, deep skin imperfections like scars, may need a slightly longer needle than the standard .05 mm. Also, the greater the skin imperfection, the longer a period of time it may take to correct the damage.

The micro needles in the roller essentially penetrate the facial skin causing it to produce more collagen and elastin. While the skin doesnt get damaged, the tiny needles do part the pores causing the skin to heal itself and at the same time, produce collagen and elastin. Again, both of which are necessary for firm skin. Additionally, following a derma roller treatment, nutrient rich skin creams are more readily absorbed into the deeper layers of the skin.

One of the problems scientists originally had with collagen is that it is a protein molecule too big to penetrate into the skinwhich is the major problem with collagen skin cream effectiveness. The issue then became one of getting the body to produce its own collagen. Hence, derma rollers as an effective collagen stimulating, non surgical face lift device.

For a derma roller treatment, one simply rolls the derma roller back and forth 4-5 times over various parts of the face. Research has found derma rollers to be highly effective in reducing and/or eliminating wrinkles, sagging skin, acne, scars, cellulite and even hair thinning. What other do-it-yourself device do you know of that can do all that?

At the relatively low price of around $100, derma rollers offer a potential remedy for so many of our skin problems. They are inexpensive, portable and incredibly easy to use.

Both the research behind derma rollers and the proven results using ancient acupuncture techniques speak strongly to our own ability to manage our facial appearance and prevent or reverse facial aging. Both facial acupressure and derma rollers are excellent natural alternatives to surgical facelift. Its literally in our own hands.

About the Author: If youd like to receive a free lesson on acupressure eyelift

Click Here!

For more information about those amazing little derma rollers,

Click Here


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