The Beauty Of Tracking Online Marketing Seo Campaigns

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By Ed Eastwood

If you have are serious about online marketing you need a way to track and test your results. What sets the Internet apart from old media such as television, radio, magazines and newspapers is the ability to track advertising campaigns down to the finest of details. With tv you would run an add, if it is in a prime time slot you would get some exposure all right. But you just wouldn’t be able to tell the effectiveness of it.

I mean what call of action could you have right there via the television screen? For this reason alone Pepsi pulled out of sponsoring the super bowl in 2010 after advertising loyally for 22 years. They instead decided to divert their money and invest $20m in a social media campaign. Why? It’s more effective, you can track it, and the whole world and it’s mother now uses social media.

Well one of the most effective ways to do online marketing is by running a search engine optimization campaign. This can include everything from targeting Google’s organic natural search listings, the sponsored search via PPC, and social media.


Social media takes in the whole spectrum from blogging on web 2.0 sites to FaceBook and You Tube social media profiling and marketing. A campaign like this will also include thematic link building and article distribution and the nature of this campaign allows it to be adjusted almost instantly as tracking data is analyzed. That is the beauty of the internet.

The key difference with this and traditional advertising on old media is it is so efficient and easy to analyse. You can make adjustments in real time. This is handy for the sponsored search adverts, organic seo can be changed after you track your stats on a daily or weekly basis. Although any changes make take a week-3 months to show full effect.

When was the last time you said to tv or radio controllers, or print managers that you’d like to changed your advert once it begins showing? With tv or radio this is not possible unless you have recorded several alternative ads, and with print this is just downright impossible. Unless you are advertising on something that has a morning and afternoon print run. But since you can’t track your stats in real time if at all, you’ll be going on guess work as opposed to real results.

The beauty is in the detail alright. Load up your Google analytics or your preferred choice of website stats programme and you’ll be able to see what pages and products your visitors looked at all the way down to how long they stayed on your site.

This is handy as you can swap out ads and special offers and track which ones are performing best. You’ll be able to see what keywords are driving in traffic, and you’ll be able to predict traffic levels judging per how your ranking is for that keyword and what the levels would be if you raised it’s rankings. Impressed? Wipe that smile off your face and start doing some serious tracking.

About the Author: Ed is a

search engine optimization

consultant. He runs a

seo consultant

company in the UK.


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