External Hemorrhoid Treatment How To Stop The Bleeding And Never Have To Experience Pain Again.

By Bello Gbenga

The appearance of Hemorrhoids is usually secondary to the exposure of rectal tissues like muscles that support the rectal vessels to excessive pressure build up in the rectal veins. Gradually this pressure weakens these tissues to the point where they are no longer strong enough to provide the much needed support for the rectal veins. These walls of these veins then become lax causing the veins to become engorged and swollen with excessive pooling of blood in them.{ To learn more about the real root causes of Hemorrhoids download your free mini course on hemorrhoids in the links in the last paragraph below}

These swollen masses now protude either into the anorectal canal or right outside the anus. When the protrusions occur under the skin right outside the anus, they are referred to as external hemorrhoids and when they are situated inside the anal canal they are known as Internal Hemorrhoids. Sometimes when a blood clot forms in the External Hemorrhoid protrusions, they become very painful and swollen thrombosed external hemorrhoids. {To know how to deal with painful hemorrhoids click the links in the last paragraph below}

Pain is usually associated with External Hemorrhoids and there is also a very common complaint of bleeding during defecation with the staining of toilet paper or stools with bright red blood. You might experience a hard and painful lump in the area around your anus, with the lump covered by skin. The pain is often attributed to rich innervations around the lump itself while the bleeding could result from a blood clot forming in the lump. In this case, therefore, the main thing is to eliminate the lump and prevent it from recurring in the future. Once you get rid of the symptoms, hemorrhoids usually heal themselves in time.

The kind of treatment prescribed usually depends on how severe your condition is and whether you have tried other treatments with little or no effect. Most of the popular treatments for hemorrhoids only focus on the alleviation of symptoms so before you look for the best treatment option, it is important to know what level of cure that you desire. {If you want to discover the kind of treatment that can give you permanent cure for hemorrhoids click on the links in the last paragraph below}


– External hemorrhoid can be treated by simple measures like the using common pain killers like aspirin and acetaminophen to relieve pain or at the other end of the treatment spectrum it can also be treated with high risk surgery.

– A sitz bath is probably the most popular external hemorrhoid treatment. This is done by drawing about two to three inches of water as hot as you can handle and sitting on it for about ten minutes several times per day. You can take a sitz bath in a regular tub or even while sitting on a toilet using a special device. The reason for this treatment’s popularity is that it has proven effective in reducing both the swelling and the pain. For best results, one is also advised to sit on an ice pack for about ten minutes right after taking a sitz bath. The drawback of this treatment however is that it does not usually cure Hemorrhoids permanently and the symptoms might reoccur.

– Another popular treatment for External Hemorrhoids is the application of petroleum jelly and hemorrhoidal creams. These creams are also formulated to reduce swelling. To prevent reoccurrence, you should also start wearing cotton underwear and avoid wearing tight clothing. You should dab your toilet paper with some water before using it to clean after defecation. This kind of treatment however has not been too effective in effecting a permanent cure for Hemorrhoids.

– The use of simple natural home treatments which had been disregarded by many people in the past as been inferior to conventional treatments have now shown a lot of promise in healing Hemorrhoids. In fact thousands of sufferers have testified to receiving permanent cure after using some of the well researched home products. (Click the links in the last paragraph below to discover the best natural cure for hemorrhoids)

For more serious cases that cannot be relieved with any of the above treatments, ask your doctor about the various surgical options.

The best external hemorrhoid treatment however is still prevention. Increase your daily intake of dietary fiber and make sure that you drink a minimum of eight glasses of water per day in order to soften your stool. Strengthen your rectal muscles as well by increasing physical activity or indulging in a regular exercise regimen. (Learn how to prevent hemorrhoids permanently by clicking the links in the last paragraph below)

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