Natural Skin Care Recipes Are Simpler Than You Think

By Valerie Rosenbaum

If you are looking for natural skin care recipes that you can whip up in your own kitchen, they are simpler than you might think. Just remember that the benefits are limited when it comes to protecting against skin-aging.

Advanced cellular rejuvenation technology has revealed that the compounds needed to prevent and reverse the visible signs of aging are naturally occurring. They are found in plants and foods. Many of them are antioxidants.

The problem is extracting the antioxidants and using them in exactly the right quantities in order to provide results without causing irritation. Let’s look at the antioxidant vitamin A for a moment.

There is a prescription cream on the market designed to treat acne and reverse wrinkles. It is a synthetic form of the antioxidant vitamin A. The side effects that accompany the use of the cream include redness, itching and irritation.


The nut of the Shea tree is rich in vitamin A and E, as well as essential fatty acids. Shea butter has long been recognized for its abilities to soften, smooth and rejuvenate the skin’s appearance. There are no negative side effects accompanying its use.

People in Africa had natural skin care recipes that included the use of the Shea nut, because that is where it grows. Today, people throughout the world have access to premium quality Shea butter. There is no need to try and make something similar on your own. You just have to be careful about artificial additives like preservatives and fragrance ingredients.

If you do not want to buy a ready-made product, you might try using grape seed or olive oil as a moisturizer. While they do not contain vitamin A, they are rich in vitamin E and the essential fatty acids that the skin’s layers need to be healthy.

Lots of natural skin care recipes contain some variety of honey. It has been used for thousands of years to speed healing and soothe burns. The only problem with using honey straight out of a bottle has to do with the sticky feeling. Companies that specialize in making skincare products dehydrate the honey and mix it with grape seed or other oils to address that problem.

One variety of honey is called Manuka. Scientists have found that it has antioxidant and antibacterial activity. It can be dehydrated without losing those benefits.

You might use dehydrated manuka in your own natural skin care recipes, although finding the ingredient would likely be difficult. Not many manufacturers have been successful at the dehydration process. Those that are typically sell only to cosmetic manufacturers.

With ingredients like manuka honey, Shea butter, grape seed and olive oil, practically all of the conditions that affect the skin’s health can be addressed. Those ingredients will also help to fight the signs of aging and possibly reverse them.

There is one more ingredient to look for. That one is coenzyme Q10. You will not find it in anyone’s natural skin care recipes, but the better manufacturers include it in all of their anti-aging creams. You might want to find out why.

About the Author: Valerie Rosenbaum has spent years searching for the best

natural skin care

products. The products she discovered use a proprietary blend of natural ingredients like

Extrapone Nutgrass

root to even out skin pigmentation. To learn more visit her

anti wrinkle creams



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