Cheating Husbands: Top 10 Ways On How To Catch A Cheating Husband

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By Stephany W Alexander

Cheating husbands leave many signs and with a bit of detective work, a wife can catch her husband with solid proof. Many wives make the mistake of hiring an expensive detective or purchasing pricey spy equipment. However, if you are aware of some of the signs of a cheating husband and know your husbands behavior and habits well, you simply need to follow your gut instinct and employ some of the top 10 ways of how to catch a cheating husband. Most of all, be patient. Give yourself 3-4 weeks of spying time.

Pay close attention to small details and use all your senses so you dont miss any cheatings signs from your husband. Make sure you keep a log book of descriptions, dates and times of all the clues you discover. If you find a clue, make a copy of it if possible. NEVER accuse him of an affair unless you have concrete proof he was cheating because you may have to use this proof in a court of law should you pursue divorce. If you dont have solid proof, many cheating men lie and make up stories or will call you crazy. Plan your confrontation out in your mind so you will be prepared and armed with facts and evidence. If you have children, make sure they are in a safe, protected place. In addition, dont become a cheating wife to get revenge. It only causes more problems and will be used against you.

Cheating Husbands

1. Set a trap. Cheating husbands usually cheat when their wife is out of town. Tell your husband that you are leaving for a couple of days and then wait, listen and watch. Place a recording surveillance device in your bedroom or near the phone and then listen. Park in a friends car with a hat and sunglasses on and follow his car or wait for someone to come to the house. Keep a camera, binoculars and a cell phone with you. Cheating husbands usually take their affair out for dinner and a rendezvous while you are gone. Give your cheating husband lots of space to make a mistake. Your husband will leave cheating signs unknowingly. Make sure you are busy or out of the house a lot while you are investigating. Take a long nap under your bed at lunch or in the evening or place a long recording digital tape recorder which is voice activated under the bed. This wouldnt work if you have children or a dog.


2. Watch his cell phone. If he protects his cell phone with a password, unexpectedly ask to borrow his cell phone to make an important call. Then make a fake call, pressing as many buttons of his call log as possible to note any strange calls. Go to bathroom with phone if at all possible. Watch whether his cell phone is always turned off when with you or whether he takes unusually long to phone you back. Note the times, dates and length of any suspicious calls. Press the re-dial on the phone or *69. This is an effective way to find out who theyve been calling.

3. Place a long-recording digital tape recorder under your cheating husbands car seat every morning and then listen to it when you are alone. Please check the laws in your city or state to make sure it is legal to record someone in your car if they are borrowing it. The same goes for a GPS tracking device which tracks everywhere your husbands car goes. GPS tracking devices are now made the size of a pack of chewing gum so they are easy to hide.

4. Monitor your husbands computer usage. Does he use the computer late at night or for an unusual amount of time? Cheating husbands frequently utilize free email services such as hotmail, msn, yahoo, gmail, hushmail, etc Check his internet web browser history for warning signs. If you suspect your husband is cheating, you can install a keystroke logger which will log every keystroke your husband types, including his passwords. There are many good ones currently for sale.

5. If your cheating husband is frequenting any dating sites, create a fake profile on-line of someone you think your husband would be attracted to and then start flirting. Many wives have successfully used this technique.

6. Be careful of your cheating husbands close friends who may cover for him because of loyalty feelings. Even if they dont approve of your husbands cheating ways, they may still cover for his cheating by providing an alibi for him.

7. Set booby traps in your house. If you think your cheating husband may be bringing someone into your home while you are traveling or out, set some traps. Put on a clean set of sheets and then place a crumb on the bedspread. Make sure that a dog or cat dont move it. Then check to see if the crumb is still in the same place after your return.

8. Get your girlfriends to help. Sign up a willing acquaintance or girlfriend to hit on your husband at a pre-determined location to see if he will bite. It is helpful if she carries a tape recorder in her purse so you may hear him.

9. Monitor your husbands driving habits for a month. Watch for increase in gas receipts and monitor the car’s odometer to see if there are extra unexplained miles on the car. Monitor the time he leaves for work and the time he comes home. You should be able to establish a patterns by keeping a calendar and noting the times. If your husband claims to be working late, check paycheck stubs to verify his overtime. If your husband explains a late return home as a result of having to drive out of town on business, yet the mileage on the car indicates less than ten miles driven, youll have caught your cheating husband in a lie which may be due to his adultery.

10. Paper signs of a cheating husband can include unexplained receipts, more frequent ATM withdrawals, and unexplained credit card charges. Note any strange dates and times. Is there a restaurant charge when he should have been at work? Check his business deductions if possible.

If you have tried some of the above tips on how to catch a cheating husband and have been unsuccessful, try playing your poker face. Pretend like you know something and give him 24 hours to come clean or else… However, only resort to this after you have tried all other means because if you accuse him, your husband will know you are on to him, deny any wrong doing and cover his cheating tracks better next time.

About the Author: Online Dating and Infidelity Expert, Stephany Alexander, B.A. is CEO/Founder of

, the “World’s Largest Database Rating Men” and the author of “Sex, Lies and the Internet” – How to Avoid Being Scammed, Used and Abused by Men. Featured on FOX, CNN, New York Times, CNBC & more!


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