How To Train A New Dog/Puppy

Submitted by: Jim Waltman

You love your dog. But at one time I bet he/she was a bit too much too handle. Training your dog takes time and a whole lot of patience. Any dog owner who s been through basic dog obedience training can tell just how tough it can be. But, the fact of the matter is, if you don t start training your dog to be obedient early on, you re going to end up with a problematic pooch.

Many dog owners will suggest taking your dog to a dog obedience training class. These classes will help you tame your dog and even learn to socialize with other dogs if the training is in a group setting. However, there are ways you can begin to train your dog at home.

Basic Dog Obedience Training Home Tips

Use Your Pet s Name


To build control and relation with your dog, you need to use his/her name frequently when training and giving commands. This will help build name recognition and strengthen the relationship with you, his/her owner. Even for the most basic commands or activities, use your dog s name when involved in all activities, even feeding time.

Use a Leash

Leash training involves collaring and leashing your dog. Through the use of a leash, you can teach your dog commands and actions. At first, you want to show your dog the command by positioning your dog accordingly (e.g. placing him/her in the sit position). You also want to verbalize the command while positioning. After positioning your dog a few times, say the command and then use the leash to exert force, but not too much. A slight tug on the leash should do. Each time you state the command, use the leash. Work with your dog until he/she demonstrates understanding of the command. When you dog obeys the command correctly, reward him/her with a good PET NAME and pet him/her on the head. Leash training doesn t involve rewarding your pet with treats, as it works against leash training and gives your dog a reason to obey other than just obeying the command..

Use Reward Training

Reward training works similar to leash training except that instead of using a leash to assert the command, you use a reward (e.g. a treat) to coax your dog into obeying. This method of training does show results, however some experts say that this method doesn t exert the force necessary to teach your dog to obey and also establish the owner/pet relationship.

Be Firm

When training your dog, you need to stand your ground and be firm. It s easy to give into your cute and cuddly pet, especially if it s still a puppy, but if you want to train them right, you need to be firm. There s no need to punish your dog, you just need to be patient and work with your dog as much as possible until he/she understands the command. Work with your dog until the command is followed and obeyed precisely as desired. This means even after your dog has learned the command, you still need to assert a firm command to ensure that your dog won t forget the command or get into bad habits.

If you want an obedient dog, you need to involve Fido in basic dog obedience training. The best bet is to enroll them into a class, but you can also start training them at home. The earlier you start and the better your obedience training, the better behaved your dog will be.

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